Summer is here!! Covid is becoming a memory (though we still must follow health guidelines).Time to get ready to head out for summer vacation! Sounds great! When you are the parent of an autistic child it requires a little extra planning to ensure everything goes more smoothly for everyone – just remember that there are certain things you cannot plan for and are out of your control – much like daily life. Catch the curve ball and move on.

*As I think of more, I will add to the list.

I have compiled some tips to help you when preparing for a trip.

1. If you are planning a trip in which you are flying or going to a resort, I suggest seeking out a travel agent who is familiar with autism as they will have experience and access to information that might be harder for you to access. Travel agents also receive information on the latest autism friendly attractions, resorts, cruises, and changes that may affect your trip or location, etc.

2.No matter which type of trip whether it is via train, plane, cruise, or automobile I have it on the calendar to show the trip getting closer – countdown days until we go.

3.I also get pictures of the area or accommodations to help him become familiar with the location.

4.Before he flew for the first time we went to the airport and walked around to help him become familiar with it. Some airports and airlines offer airport familiarization tours that include clearing security and even sitting on a jet. Your local autism society or airport may be able to guide you further. If nothing is available social stories are a great option.

5.I am big into using lists – and will have a running list on just about everything from what to pack, to documentation required (including doctor’s notes for items that are necessary and may cause issues at security or customs) and anything else that I feel is relevant.

6.Doctor’s notes – we once ran into an issue going through security in Cancun. Our son at the time only drank a certain brand of soy milk. We had a week’s supply of it – it was available in tetra packs, so quite easy to travel with. When we were going through security/customs at the Cancun airport they pulled out this milk and were going to confiscate it, but we had the note and then we were allowed to carry on. If I had not had that doctor’s note, he would have had nothing to drink for a week. With autism it is not as easy as “he’ll drink when he’s thirsty”. I suggest if there is something that is a necessity that is food or medicine related, to get a note – better to be safe than sorry.

7.I pull a suitcase out about a week in advance and let him put stuff in there. He gets excited when he sees the suitcase!

8.A couple of years ago we forgot his favourite blanket at home – yikes! Now the blanket is the first thing packed or put by my purse. Any favourites needed – stick them at the front door where you will not forget them.

9.I will call the airline and the resort and let them know that I am travelling with an individual with autism as a heads up and if any special requests are required. At this time, you may find out about special passes that may be available to help them enjoy the experience with less stress.

10.If we are driving, I will look at the map and try to find the best places to stop. I prefer roadside turnouts with picnic benches – much quieter and usually in nice scenic locations.

11.Once we arrive, time to unpack. This is the time when we usually find him on a lounge chair on the deck – pretty chill.

12.We do prefer accommodations with separate bedrooms and if possible, kitchens. Having a separate bedroom allows him some quiet time if he needs it.

13.If we are flying, we pre-board (if possible).We also go through security using the disability access – it is quicker and easier for him as he does not have to wait in a crowded line.

14.Give yourself extra time – expect the unexpected. Having extra time will keep from adding to the stress of the unexpected.

These are some of the things we use to help have a memorable vacation.

One of the most important things is to relax, enjoy and create memories!!

Safe travels!!